relationships making the difference

a film about language

from relationships making the difference

a film about help

from relationships making the difference

quotes from relationships making the difference

“Actually love and compassion is quite radical you know if we as helpers or servers whatever you want to call yourself do it with love and compassion you don't have to get it right you don't have to have an answer but love of compassion connects you and we help that person begin to trust you that's what has changed this earth love and compassion you know to love is to act truly.”

Okie Adebanjo, Family Group Conference Coordinator, Camden

 “It’s that degree of being human and lateral. It's the relationship that counts, and the relationship involves actually at the right times breaking the rules, and doing something a little bit weird.”

Jerry Tew, Professor, Birmingham University

“Leadership is very important in these organizations, not leaders alone, but leadership! You have to share that power you have to acknowledge the skills and insights of people, you have to, when you try and create change, accept that people on the floor know better than me and I'll sit down with them and say let's design this together.”

Saleem Tariq OBE, Director, Leeds

a conversation about love and social work

a film about love in practice

from a conversation about love and social work

a film about what is love?

from a conversation about love and social work

“If as a social worker you don't believe that person in front of you sitting across from you is equal to you, there is no way you can practice recognition and respect”

Anna Gupta, Professor of Social Work

Love Shows Up

a film about connection

from love shows up

a film about partnership

from love shows up

a film about forms of love

from love shows up

a film about family group conference

from love shows up

quotes from love shows up

“You don't know what the person's been through. Have they got help? Have they counselled themselves? Or how many tears they've shed to finally be at one with themselves and willing to put themselves out there. So to me I think connection is more powerful than anyone knows and sometimes, from my experience I've had to disconnect from everything just to realize what connection was real.”

Jahangir Jai Islam, Community Member

“But love is not just warm fluffy feelings and joyful experiences. Love can also be personal pain transformed into social good. Given the existence of power, love is resistance. Given the existence of privilege, love is solidarity. And I believe that not only can we love people that we work with, but this love can move us into action.”

Dr Taiwo Afuape

“If you see someone struggling, really struggling, instead of helping them, ask them to help you. By asking them for them to help me, I'm conveying several things. That they are trusted, they are valued, they have something to offer. That maybe I’m a bit shit actually sometimes too, that I am not perfect, the worlds not perfect. You convey so much by doing that.”

Maff Potts, Founder, Camerados