testimonials for relational activism

Tim Fisher is an original visionary leader, who creates lasting change through empowering others to speak out and fight for something better. Tim is creative, compassionate and brilliant. His work is full of humanity and grace. Work with Tim and he is likely to change the way you see the world.
— Paul Nixon Former Chief Social Worker New Zealand
In a world so driven by statistics, process, acronyms, policy this session should be an integral part of every induction, appraisal, team meeting and supervision
— Somerset Adult Social Care
We were all seen as equals, it was an opportunity to meet other people in the same situations and discover we are not alone. I liked the group setting and of course the people who have organised the event. The openness and feeling safe to express myself freely. Relational activism care about the stories of others
— Telford parent
We’ve got to be willing to do more of what we’re doing here today, actually to mingle to get to meet each other as equals and as humans.
— Alex Fox OBE, CEO Mayday Trust
Relational activists are showcasing different ways of doing things, you’re bringing together people who have different approaches so that together you are stronger and you’re showing what this new system this new way of working can look like.
— Ella Saltmarshe co-founder of The Long Time Project
Tim, Becca and Clarissa set the context for our experts by experience group, creating a sense of safety to truly collaborate and seek to change services to improve the lives of children, young people and their parents and carers, their creativity, respect, knowledge, expertise, wisdom and passion for relational approaches provided the framework, landscape and scaffold for the development of our coproduction strategy. At their very core is a humanistic approach to supporting collaboration and re surfacing power which is both inspiring and motivating. A key part of this was our ability to build relationships with each other that are meaningful and reflect the values of positive regard, compassion, empathy, connection and sharing knowledge.- these approaches have aided our reflection and the lenses we bring to working alongside our communities. Our collaboration and friendship is at the heart of our journey of co-production in the truest sense and we look forward to the next phase of our journey together.
— Louise Spragg Principal Social Worker Telford
For me I’m here because I believe if a system is listening to the people is actually trying to provide a service for it it’s the only way that it can help improve what’s going on. And how often do we create a space like this where we check in and just connect without feeling like their title is holding them back?
— Kevin Makwikila, Parent and Family Rights Group Trustee