relational activist chronicle

the value of lived experience in facilitation, practice and service design

Clarissa Stevens

Clarissa is a parent activist with lived experience of the child protection system, a family support worker and youth worker.  She founded has her own organisation called Reframe.

She facilitates events, training and workshops along with consultations supporting positive change. She has done  mentoring with parents in Public Law matters to help empower them to see their true worth and specifically to help them navigate through a system which can be confusing for them. She feels it is important to break down the jargon and advocates strongly for them.

In this audio Clarissa answers the following questions

How would you describe the work that you do? 

What motivates you to do it?

How do you know it is making a difference? 

Lisa Cherry

Lisa Cherry is an author, researcher and leading international trainer and consultant, specialising in assisting schools, services and systems to create change that supports working with the legacy of trauma. Lisa has been working in Education and Children’s Services for over 30 years and combines academic knowledge and research with professional skills and personal experience.

Lisa's MA research looked at the impact on education and employment for care experienced adults who experienced school exclusion as children in the 1970's and 1980's. Currently, Lisa is undertaking DPhil research at The University of Oxford in the Department of Education, asking the research question "How do care-experienced adults who have been excluded from school understand those experiences of being in care and school exclusion in relation to belonging?"

Lisa is the author of the hugely successful book 'Conversations that make a difference for Children and Young People' and ‘The Brightness of Stars’ 3rd Edition published in June 2022.

In this film Lisa answers these questions

How would you describe the work that you do? 

What motivates you to do it?

How do you know it is making a difference? 

Terri-Anne Hamer

Terri-Anne Hamer is a mum of three and a care experienced youth worker from Leeds. She has a Masters degree in Criminology and has worked predominately as a volunteer in her Community since leaving Care at 16. She sees injustice both inside and outside the system and has always been motivated to create change. She has recently set up N.I.Y.A.A - National Initiative for Youth Advocacy and Accountability, for young people with complex needs, in or leaving care and young offenders. Working on establishing their voice and influence. 

In this film Terri-Anne answers these questions

How would you describe the work that you do? 

What motivates you to do it?

How do you know it is making a difference? 

Michael Redhead Champagne

Michael Redhead Champagne inspires every time he speaks to an audience or brings his pen to the page. An Ininew public speaker, writer, community advocate and on-screen personality, his storytelling connects communities across North America and around the world. Michael’s commitment to action and solutions comes from his experiences growing up in Winnipeg’s North End, his identity as a member of Shamattawa First Nation and his connection to the child welfare system. He aims to walk his talk, revolutionize harmful systems and ensure those with lived experience design, deliver and evaluate any initiative that affects them.

In this film Michael answers these questions

How would you describe the work that you do? 

What motivates you to do it?

How do you know it is making a difference?